1939 Academy of Sport at the World's Fair
The New York World's Fair was a venue that Christy Walsh wanted to promote sport heroes and his vision for teaching opportunity for America's youth. He teamed with the American Board of Baseball and Football to produce one of the best attended attraction at the fair. Lucky kids were given lessons by baseball and football greats and received autographed Laurel Cards as a souvenir of their day at the fair. The main sponsor of the Academy was Esso Oil Company who provided, through there network of local dealers, applications to attend classes at the fair to the youth of America. Many souvenirs of the World's Fair were sports related and celebrated the Centennial of Baseball. Post Cards, Laurel Cards, hats, gloves and a special set of nine glasses of Babe Ruth's 1939 All American Board of Baseball Team are highly collectable. One of the hardest pieces of ephemera to find is a card disk three inches in diameter with Christy Walsh vision for the Academy of Sport and Babe Ruth's endorsement.

Laurel Cards

Centennial Glasses by the Libby Glass Company
Nine milk glasses made by the Libby Glass Co. for the All American Board of Baseball and distributed by Esso Oil Co. Babe Ruth annually picked the best players in the Major Leagues for his team. This Centennial Team was selected by Ruth at the end of the 1938 season. From left to right top - Paul Derringer, Ernie Lombardi, centennial emblem, Charlie Gehringer, Joe Cronin, Joe Medwick, Jimmie Foxx, Joe DiMaggio, Charles Ruffing and Robert Rolfe. The Esso Oil company was a major sponsor of the Worlds Fair and the Academy of Sport.

New York World's Fair