The First Known Centennial of Baseball Philatelic Cover

Alfred R. Cobbett, Architect and Artist
May 19, 1938 C23-96 (Planty-Mellone Catalog)
This 1938 C23-96 cover franked with the Eagle & Shield stamp (issued May 14, 1938 issue .06), celebrated National Air Mail Week and was created by Alfred R. Cobbett of Cooperstown to also recognize the upcoming Baseball Centennial starting May 6th of 1939.
Since National Air Mail Week was a huge event in 1938, the Leatherstocking Stamp Club created a cachet to be used for this event, but to also to promote the upcoming Baseball Centennial in Cooperstown, NY. This Air Mail cachet (C23-96) was designed by Alfred Cobbett for the Leatherstocking Stamp Club.
In the spring of 1937, the Cooperstown Chamber of Commerce formally requested the issue of a commemorative stamp celebrating the Centennial of Baseball in Cooperstown slated for June of 1939. The Leatherstocking Stamp Club lobbied for support of this effort on behalf of the Philatelic Society. The United States Congress approved the request, and, for the first time, a SPORT was depicted on a stamp, serving as a commemorative stamp for the Centennial of Baseball in 1939.
The National Centennial Commission, granted the Leatherstocking Stamp Club exclusive use of the Centennial Emblem for their First Day of Issue cover in recognition of their considerable efforts to lobby on behalf of the Baseball Stamp. Cobbett created the 855-60 (Vignette) and (Frame) around the emblem for the Leatherstocking’s First Day Cover .
Moreover, this cover may also commemorate the unofficial opening of the National Baseball Museum and Hall Of Fame on May 19, 1938. The official opening was July 1, 1938.
Alfred R. Cobbett Jan. 13th 1895 – Dec. 17th 1940 age 45. He created the Great Seal in 1934 for the Cooperstown’s Base Ball Centennial Committee’s Mast Head.
He was a member of the Centennial Committee for Advertising and Publicity, the Leatherstocking Stamp Club and the Knights Templar.