1939 Doubleday Field Programs
All of the printing requirements needed for the Cooperstown's Centennial Celebration were provided by The Freeman's Journal , this included programs and tickets for Doubleday Field activities. Each program is unique, sharing the same cover and Cooperstown's Baseball history about twenty pages. Each program contained specific information about the days participants and there history, score card with the roster of the players was an insert about four to eight pages. This made printing economical as only the center pages changed. The College programs and Generic programs are the hardest to find. Ticket stubs to the College games are rare and difficult to find, ten programs in all played (May 6 Through June 17 1939) The most desirable programs are The Cavalcade of Baseball (June 12 1939) The National Association Day (July 9 1939) The American Legion Day (July 15 1939) and The Yankees versus Newark (August 8 1939). Although desirable these programs are not hard to find.