"All in a Single Afternoon"

Baseball's 100th Anniversary Mechanical Pencils

Top - Louis Dow Co. Bottom - Scripto Co.
Top - Louis Dow Co. Bottom - Scripto Co.

The Centennial of Baseball was an advertising windfall for many companies. The design to use a wooden bat was developed by two companies.

The Louis F. Dow Company of Saint Paul, Minnesota marketing under the name Goodwill Advertising and had a working relationship with Louisville Slugger. They produced a dark wood bat "mahogany" for advertiser's to promote there various companies.

Dow Co. Smooth Barrel, Scripto Co. Grooved Barrel

The pencil featured a gold finish smooth tip on a hard nickel plated mechanics and used the 100th Anniversary motif. The use of the Centennial of Baseball was not used because of copyright issues. The Dow Company was very successful in it's efforts and produced thousands of Bat Pencils. One of the most successful promotions was with General Mill's Wheaties Centennial Anniversary box tops give away.

The Scripto Company of Atlanta, Georgia also produced bat pencils using a similar application of the 100th Anniversary motif on a light colored wood "ash" there sales force was successful as well. Converting advertising customers to this unique bat pencil. The Scripto pencil offered a grooved gold plated tip and proven well made mechanics.

The collectors cherished these pencils and many survive today tucked away in bureau drawers.

Centennial Bat Pencils and 100th Anniversary Advertiising Bat Pencils
Centennial Bat Pencils & 100th Anniversary Advertising Bat Pencils
Centennial Bat Pencils and 100th Anniversary Advertiising Bat Pencils
Dow Company 100th Anniversary Bat Pencil
Centennial Bat Pencils and 100th Anniversary Advertiising Bat Pencils
Dow Company 100th Anniversary Bat Pencil
Centennial Bat Pencils and 100th Anniversary Advertiising Bat Pencils
Scripto Company100th Anniversary Bat Pencil
Centennial Bat Pencils and 100th Anniversary Advertiising Bat Pencils
Scripto Company100th Anniversary Bat Pencil
Centennial Bat Pencils and 100th Anniversary Advertiising Bat Pencils
Scripto Company100th Anniversary Bat Pencil

Mechanical Pencil Slideshow

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  • Johnson's Sporting Goods

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